Event Schedule/Player List

Click Here for Confirmed Player List 

Event Schedule

Wednesday, June 29

Event Location
The Well Activity Center

110 Athletes Row,
Apopka, FL 32703

Wednesday, June 29 

2-3 PM mandatory check-in for all players at the event facility 
3-3:30 PM – Stretch/Warm Up 
3:30-4:15 PM Skill Session 1 
4:15-5 PM Skill Session 2
5-6 PM Workshop 1
6-6:30 PM Game Set 1/Skill Session 3
6:30-7 PM Game Set 2/Skill Session 4
7-7:30 PM Game Set 3/Skill Session 5
7:30-8 PM Game Set 4/Skill Session 6
8-8:30 PM Game Set 5/Skill Session 7

8:30-9 PM Game Set 6/Skill Session 8 

Thursday, June 30

8:30 AM – Player Arrival 
9 AM – Stretch/Warm-Up
9:30-10:30 AM Skill Session 9
10:30-11:30 AM Skill Session 10
11:30 AM-12:30 PM Workshop 2/Lunch 
12:30-1:15 PM – Game Set 7
1:15-2 PM – Game Set 8 
2-2:45 PM – Game Set 9 
2:45 PM – Camp Ends/Closing Talks 

      Workshop Breakouts

      • Current and Former NBA Personnel – Guest Speakers
      • Basketball & Business
      • Body Preservation and Long Career
      • NCAA and Professional Q & A

      Skill Sessions

        • Conducted by Pro/College Trainers, as well as current Professional and College players
        • Pro and College level workouts
        • In Game Concepts
        • 1 vs 1
        • Screens and Motor
        • Rebounding and Defensive Concepts
        • Scoring Options